HelloI wanted to know if there is an expression in order to do this:#set( $TP = ["TP_A", "TP_B"])#set( $TP_A = ["Button A", "https://www.wonderfulworld.com"])#set( $TP_B = [@"Butto...
Hello Sanford,I got your point and therefore I want to reduce my code as the minimum length possible and try to concentrate the editable section of my code on the top of my script....
Hello Sanford,Thank for this answer. I really need to dig into your proposal as it turns I have to create more complex dynamic email structure.BR,Charles
Hi Sandford,What is the way to make the negative test of what I have previously asked and with ";" instead of "," please? I thought by Adding "!" at the beginning would work... but...
Hello Sandford,Thank you for your answer. it works perfectly as long as I have the delimiter "," with or without space next to it.I'm just wondering how it would have been possible...
Still not working... An error occurred when procesing the email Body!Encountered "{" near<ul>#if(${{lead.Interest__c}}.indexOf('Performance')) <li>Performance</li>#end
Hi Geoff,Thanks for the quick reply but I got this error:An error occurred when procesing the email Body!Lexical error, Encountered: "i" (105), after : "." at *unset*[line 90, colu...
Hello,I don't manage to find on the documentation a way to use VTL in order to make a #if conditions for searching a specific value coming from a Marketo field.Does anybody could h...