Hi Sanford - cool experiment.The URI in Marketo is: ...
Thanks for the tip - I fixed it, but still no luck .Here's the new URI: <img src="...
Hold on, I'm checking to see if it might be the image size that was too big... Update: Didn't make a difference. Anyway, I'll keep noodling on it over the weekend.
Hi Sanford - thanks for the quick response. I'm trying to set up a form on a Marketo landing page where people can upload a headshot that we will place on our website. I'm just hav...
Hi Sanford Whiteman, this is really cool! Thanks for sharing. I am running into some major confusion as to how I can render the URI into an image, though. When I copy and paste int...
Sanford, That's actually fantastic feedback, and it makes a lot of sense. I wonder if simply removing the "hidden" css would make it any different. I definitely hear your point abo...
Right, that makes sense. I've thought about it more, and I do think that setting up a dummy link in emails the way I described is helpful, but mostly in determining the variance of...
Hi Sanford, thanks for the feedback. I'm a little new to the scene with these types of things, so forgive me if that's showing through! So, it sounds like the real issue is the tim...
Hi Michael, TLDR: Put dummy-links in your emails to capture bots .We have realized that around 90% of clicks in our emails are bots! We came to this conclusion after having the sam...