Rachel,What you can do is use a random sample in the "request campaign" flow step which will request the campaign you want. This will allow only a certain percentage of those leads...
You can use the "data value changes" trigger for whenever a field on the lead or contact is updated and the "lead is deleted" trigger for when the lead is deleted. Those can be use...
Unfortunately, no. Marketo has a 1:1 relationship with SFDC, so one Marketo instance syncs with one SFDC instance. There was a previous question about it as well:One Marketo instan...
Kanako,Maybe a smart campaign can look for the form being filled with that custom field spelled exactly how the code is spelled and the flow can be to send them a confirmation emai...
You can import the leads into a list or directly into a program, either way the value will be populated. To import into a list, create a new asset > list. Then right click on it an...
Joe,In the CSV file, add a column header that matches the new custom field name. During the import wizard pop-up, match those columns and upon import, those values will be pushed t...
Ben,You will need to create a new role for those users you do not want to provide access to "edit campaign restrictions", which is default in the "admin" role.
David,There is no trigger for exhausted content but you can vote for these ideas: & .As for a workaround, you can run a batch campaign that runs every day that looks for "member ...