Calvin,I would navigate to Admin > Tags > Channel and locate the channel this program is using. From there you can see if there are multiple statuses that are successes, rather tha...
Suren,An engagement stream will not send out the same email asset within the same stream to the same person more than once. So if these people are still in the stream and the caden...
Rob,Double check the Campaign Inspector and search the term "delete". Make sure you have this filtered for all campaign types (including batch and trigger).
Clara,That's a good improvement, but not a considerable adjustment compared to your average that I would classify as unusual. If this was a 15% jump, then I would look into what yo...
Tim,There are many explanations for this:- Not all clicks necessarily go to a landing page so you may have many more clicks than landing page visits- More likely, it is concerning ...
Sarah,So the batch campaign will run once and have no recurrence? If so, all members will be added in once and go through the flow as expected. They will remain in the flow unless ...
Rachel,What you can do is instead of having many campaigns routing leads, you can have a single campaign flow performing this. The other campaign can then request the campaign. Thi...
Stepan,Do you mean they want to be able to pause a specific person in an engagement program? Or pause the entire engagement program for everyone?If they would like to pause a speci...
Malik,It is best practice to create new fields in the CRM first, since they will auto-sync over to Marketo. If you create them on the Marketo side, then you will need to create ano...