Yes! It makes the discussion look too busy when there are threads that have already been resolved but the author has not marked one of the replies as correct.The alert should be se...
Definitely #2. I cannot simply send a sample email because of this, instead I have to provide the link to preview the email within Marketo and provide directions on previewing by s...
Agree, oftentimes I find myself having to close the pop up conflict fields window just so I can try to figure out which of the 2 leads I selected is lead #1 and lead #2.
This would also be great for data management to have consistent naming.For example:californiaCaliforniaCALIFORNIAcan all be normalized to "California". It makes for a cleaner look ...
It would be a great feature to be notified (either an email alert or a Community notification) when one of your Community ideas progresses to a new stage:Ex.NEW > WE LIKE IT!NEW > ...
It would be a great idea to have the ability to subscribe to certain asset types or actions in the audit trail. The alert can live in the Notifications area, from where you can cli...
It would also be great to have the "Lead is Merged" trigger. I came across this need when I realized that a merged lead will still remain in programs either lead was in previously,...
Great idea Greg. I just came across a situation today where I wanted to filter leads by those who were not a member of a smart campaign in the last 30 days and realized the constra...
The reason is that I would need to create a separate trigger campaign just for the one-off cases of data value changes and then need to have it activated for just the next day beca...
In my case, a group of prospects get marked a certain status when an email is delivered (ex. Stage 2). The next day at 6AM, we want to change a data value for these Stage 2 prospec...