Taylor,What you can do is pull a smart list and use the following filters:1. Member of Engagement Program2. Was sent email: Email 1 (first email in stream)3. Not was sent email: Em...
Annalili,In an email performance report, you will see two columns related to opens:- "Opened" (number of leads who opened the email at least once)- "% Opened" (Opened / Delivered) ...
Apurva,I am not sure of a way to prevent these contacts from syncing over to Marketo. But what you can do is run a trigger campaign looking for every time a lead is created with th...
Chrstine,Do you mean "marketing suspended"? What you can do is run a flow to change data value and then mark "marketing suspended: true". Remember that marketing suspended leads ca...
Mary Kate,What you can do is click into the subject line and on the right side you will see a button called "Make Dynamic". This will then pop up a segmentation list and the subjec...
Dory,I have actually tokened the "To Other Email" fields in a batch alert send. The campaign results do in fact show the alert sent step and lists the emails I sent to. Do you mean...
Josh,Appreciate the reply. I actually have been able to send alerts in a batch before. The flow was to send an email to the lead and an alert to an email in "To Other Emails". I di...