Jess,In a smart list, you can use the filter "Opened Email" and you have the constraints of "Is Mobile", "Device", "Platform", and "Browser" to choose from. You can build a smart l...
From a marketing perspective, we show love to our customers with generous referral incentives if they send us referrals as well as promote their companies via case studies.
Amanda,Here is a quick overview:MeasureDescriptionProgram CostTotal period cost of the programCost per Success (New Names)Average cost per lead acquired by the program AND achieved...
Robert,You could use "if job title contains " IT " and include the spaces. That will require "IT" to be a word on it's own. I would first query your database to exclude any other j...
Ran a couple tests and scenario 1 of the due date passing did not register as the due date "changing" and did not trigger the "activity is updated" trigger. Also scenario 2 of dele...