Hello Community,We're on a shared IP with Marketo and I've been browsing through this portal but I cannot locate instructions we can send to our customers on how to whitelist Marke...
You can adjust the "Date of Activity" constraint for the "Program Status was Changed" filter. Choose the program status that is default upon entering the program.
Shelina,You can use a smart list and bring in the filter "Program Status was Changed" and select the program. Then select the constraint of "New Status" and you will see how many l...
Rebecca,Please move this discussion to Products as Community Help and Feedback is meant for posts specifically about the Community Portal.Yes, you can create a smart list and bri...
Gary,"EE Last Order" would be "in past before 4 months" but you will also need to bring in the filter "EE Last Order is not empty". This campaign will only then run for leads that ...
Zac,Please repost in Products, as Community Help and Feedback is meant for discussions specifically about this Community Portal.There is no way to automatically deactivate a repo...