Hi Alexis,It's not currently possible to edit this form, as it's not considered the same as other forms in your instance.I like your idea though, and I would encourage you to post ...
Hi Eric,All segmentations in Marketo will run for your entire database. There isn't currently a way to base one segments rules off of the Member Segments in a different Segmentatio...
Hi Jonathan,It's not possible to automatically attach anything to emails sent from Marketo, but what do you mean by a Salesforce.com report? What information would be contained in ...
Hi Cecile,This feature is part of the October release and will be available in about a week(23rd-24th). It's currently only available for s few instances that have helped with beta...
Hi Aaron,Speaking from a consumer standpoint I am more likely to engage with an email if it's set up the way you describe in the first situation. If I see a headline or snippet of ...
Hi Marion,You won't actually send the stream to your leads. Instead, you add your leads to the stream through a separate smart campaign.Basically, you'll want to create a new smart...
Hi Greg,There isn't a set rule for the sync speed, it just depends on the amount of data to be synced, and how many other objects are syncing at the same time.If you're not seeing ...
Hi Kristi,You could set up a trigger campaign that would wait for that Microsoft Is Deleted field to be set to true. The flow for the campaign would be a Delete Lead flow step, whi...