Yes, DB size was always the driver when we purchased Marketo (8 instances) - we never had a user limit on who could access it and to be honest - I can't see a reason to introduce i...
We haven't use it with Wave but we do use it with Tableau. Wave is fairly restricted in it use tbh - what we do is fire it into into DW using SSIS (Leads, Activities etc) and mine ...
Marketo is great tool no question but deep analysis of campaign data is near impossible in the tool itself - you are best to look at API/data inetegration and getting the info into...
Hi Farooq,The Alteryx connector, although easy to use, does not bring down the necessary level of detail you need to do this (no idea why it missed such a glaring thing?!) - you wi...
I think for us, and perhaps everyone, is the ability to get the data out of Marketo to blend together with other sources and to place into a datawarehouse. The API limits are very ...
We have definitely seen a lot of lag in the past (mostly down to poor programs or order of execution choices) but since we had our pod moved to new infrastructure it has been blist...
if you are going HTTPS on your side you need to ensure that your Marketo LP's are also HTTPS - It's a fairly straightforward process to get Marketo to setup SSL - just supply the c...