As others have noted, it is certainly possible (but no advised) to connect 1 Marketo instance to multiple SFDC instances but it does become tricky if you are not sending informatio...
We also see this with Custom Object where there is a lot of R/W going on. If the numbers will never match then great please tell us 😉 if the over count is down to delta processing...
From a Salesforce perspective yes - there is no issue re: compatibility but the fact Marketo is using an older version is detrimental to the fact Salesforce is increasing their fea...
Not really sure I understand the reply TBH my point is that Marketo accessing (using) a version of the API 16 versions behind the latest Salesforce API (version 36) therefore Marke...
We have been working on using the REST API to import content into an email / template with mixed results (errors on import which we are working on now). Other apps allow a neat way...
REST is always the preferred choice now. SOAP is a legacy deployment. I would also recommend 100% that you always use JSON as payload and response and XML is not well supported in ...
What Marketo can sync and see is entirely dependent on sharing rules and the OWD of SFDC. Note as well though that depending on your SFDC database size that a sync can take anywher...