Sanford WhitemanI'm glad I found your post... I knew I couldn't be the only one using the associateLead function in Munchkin api ๐The one caveat I found though, is that if someone...
There are so many platforms that doparts of what Marketo does, better, but the unfortunate truth is that nosingle platform (in my opinion) hasallof the engrained capabilities that ...
Don't get me SSL can be purchased for a hundred bucks (for a fancy one) but they wanted to charge us $2,300 as a DISCOUNT from $2,500! When I questioned our rep on thi...
The developer can have less experience with the syntax if the person writing the brief has lots and is able to be very specific about functionalities they want - that's totally tru...
You are correct - email development is WAY different than standard web development. Most shops I have worked with in the past have been fluent in both, so I didn't think to specify...
IMO, unless your design team can quickly get up to speed on HTML, I predict having them tinker with your existing templates will cause more problems than it solves. Both Landing Pa...
What if you put the contacts into an SFDC campaign then ran a campaign member report? You might have to create a custom Campaign Member formula field to pull in the Account ID, but...
As Sanford mentioned, mapping UTM's to hidden form fields would be the way to do it out of the box. However, on the production side, having to account for all of the different medi...
I believe all Account fields you create in SFDC are mapped to Marketo, but they are only accessed in the context of a Contact. So if you had your Target Account field on the Accoun...