We don't send as many alerts as you do, so I'm not sure if this will be useful, but I'll send it anyway.We used to have one program for all alerts, but it became confusion to know ...
Yeah, this seems like basic "tag" functionality. The terminology that Marketo uses is pretty misleading as a "tag" suggests that you can add more than one. When you're setting up t...
Hey Sanford Whiteman, I'm just revisiting this. How would you build the "recent source" field and populate it if the lead source field is blocked? Meaning, how would I direct the ...
I have a smart list that I'm setting up and I'm trying to compare dates to say something along the lines of "SFDC Created date is before Marketo Created Date". Is there a way to do...
I'm trying to figure out how our Smart Campaigns have been changed over the past few weeks. I found some errors, so I'm wondering if there's a way I can see a log of who changed wh...
Hey Tim - is there a way to do this without depending on lead source? I'm thinking specifically for people who are already in the database, we don't want their lead source to chang...