Kenny Elkington what I think we're really saying is what I put below: a touch record like campaign member status in SFDC. Each touch is recorded and customizable for the org. I kn...
Maybe what I'd really like to see is a touch system that's more accessible and customizable than the current Program Channel and Tag system. More like Campaign Member records that ...
Remember that Email Link Perf can help with this if you look at the data and map it on your email.While this can help test designs and copy to some degree, please remember email an...
I think this would be better handled by placing these on your web server and not Marketo. You are asking Marketo to function more like a CMS and I'm not sure that's 1) good or 2) w...
Yeah, you can sort of do this with Smart Lists or by syncing Programs to SFDC Campaigns and being careful about the Status setup linked to email behavior:SentOpenedClickedHonestly ...
I think this would be very complex for them to build because it then has to decide which statuses to move people to, update flows, etc. Either the system has to decide, or guide yo...
Why not just add Email Bounced Reason and other fields to a View so you can handle it right in Marketo?A quick google search provides the list of bounce codes.
Allow admins to hide selected folders, Programs, or Campaigns from other users.This would prevent situations where some users poke around and accidentally edit things when they sho...