Generally speaking Marketo Refers to "Lead Owners" as "Sales Lead Owners" SFDC Refers to them as "Users" (inside of marketo). If i'm Using the API for a form submission, is there a...
Having a mental lapse at the moment.Looking to populate some form values (like Phone Country Code) based on other values that are entered into the form. I know it's possible to do ...
Hey Nina, you should be able to use the Embed code without any issue, as long as you're posting the entire thing onto your page.As far as the API goes, the ONLY time you need to wo...
Hey Annmarie, What's the concern with having a segment of that size?In some cases it may be too large, but in others it would make sense (assuming the criteria makes sense).
Survey Monkey has integrations for both Marketo and SFDC, IIRC the Marketo Integration was quoted to me around $5k and the SFDC integration was quoted at around $20k for unlimited ...
You can obtain the integration by going directly to survey monkey, the last time I checked it was running about $5k per year to enable all of the functionality on the SM side.
Additionally, you can take this approach one step further and use the Survey Monkey link structure and Marketo Tokens to prefill some answers (e.g. name and email address) if you s...