I would like to get the module to look like this. The full width of the email.Currently it is looking like this. Not to the edge and the second speaker not coming up to the first r...
I would like to run a smart list where I choose the program that happens to be archived. I have entered the name but it is not showing up. We have a 2016 archive and 2015. Oddly th...
So here is the strangest thing. After fighting this for 2 days. It now is not duplicating the error anymore. So frustrating. I have not done anything to the token or email so I hav...
Yes it does. it is in the same program in the list of My tokens. I inserted it with the html editor and manually coded it into HTML and it does it both times.
So this was an different issue. I am not using an velocity token with this. The token I am using is {{my.SideBar_Headline}} but the email sample is generating and it should be disp...