Hi Carla,Better ask a new questions rather than reopening a 2 years old thread The editor is globally slow, but there are a few things you can make to make it slightly faster. Nota...
More and more, for companies that have a minimum size, I tend to foster the use of separate tools to do what they do best. Meaning using a web analytics tool to capture the source ...
Hi Dan,I would start to remove all filters and check the test leads qualifiy. Once this works, you can add filters. I was under the impression that the "filled out form" filter was...
@ Sanford Whiteman,Have you ever wrote a blog article about how Marketo captures and post data to the database and requeries it (or does not in case of triggers) ? And also about ...
Hi Sanford,neat one!I would probably make is a distinct LP template and make the webinar-pending-note div editable , then add such a page to every webinar program template.-Greg
If the name is not in the history, it means the person simply does not qualify.Check the qualifications rules. If set to "only once" or "only once in a month", it can explain why t...
Hi AndrewIf the filter is about the form you expect the people to fill out and trigger the "fills out form" trigger, then that cannot work, because the "filled out form" filter req...
Hi Amanda,It is not that simple to get the sync times, as the information is not available in the UI, neither in through the API.You need first to ask support for sync logs that sh...
HI Nick,Are you using workspaces and partitions ? If a form is in a workspace A that accesses a partition A, and leads from a partition B, not accessible from workspace A, fill out...