Large and very large enterprises may use the "Division" option in SFDC that is similar to partitions in should be possible to choose the division in the "Sync person to ...
Hi Luiz,Marketo partners can already benefit from a sandbox, provided that they reach a certain level of partnership. But I agree that copying SFDC approach here would be valuable....
You probably mean Data Divisions in SFDC.As far as I know, Marketo does not know in whatr division the data is and cannot mange the fact that it inserts data in partition, vs anoth...
Please provide the URL of your landing page. We cannot help you without this.Or read Better styling of forms : yet another framework and Sanford Whiteman's recommendations and post...
Hi Maya,if you use the forms API, it can handle 45000 post / hour and per form. should be sufficient If you use the REST API, you will have to collect the data and group it and sen...
Hi Mark,it can be long, indeed. I usually add a 5 to 10 minutes wait step, or even do not add the link to the first email sent, but only in the reminders that I send 24 hours befor...
Hi Maya,There are a few possibilities, but in all of the, the key point will be to identify the person in Marketo to which you want to attach that data. You will need the email add...
Hi Khanh,Then the problem is with the delivery of the alert. hence the interest of the activity log Check you alert email has not design problem (invalid sender or reply to address...