Hi All,another way to mange this case, if you cannot change the status step numbers, is to add all the members to static list (that you create temporarily for this purpose), then u...
Hi Veera,Yes this is feasible, with a sync filter. Pay attention though on how you manage the "sync stop" and the deletion, It has to be done from Marketo, and not from SFDC. This ...
Hi NickAlso, a couple of things that can make the sync fail :Discrepancies between the member statuses in Marketo and SFDC. If the SFDC campaign has member statuses that differ fro...
Hi Aaron,Check box fields (one for contacts, one for leads) and 2 workflows. But pay attention to how you uncheck these fields.Read this:"Sync with Marketo" mysteries part 1 "Sync ...
Hi All,There is really no need to use triggers in engagement programs. Simply use daily batch smart campaigns that you schedule to run a couple of hours before the cast time. Use a...
it would be extremely usefull if we could include validation rules on program tokens, in order to make sure that the information entered is compatible with the way the tokens are b...