Hi Emma,The only secure way to lock these is through validation rules in Salesforce.You could also create some smart campaign in Marketo that undo any unwanted change, but that wil...
Hi Julie,Can you also please paste here the details of the "form fillout" "new person" activity that is immediately before or after this one ?It looks like the creation through a w...
Hi Philip,Yes, you will loose the reporting if you use the send alert.And with the proxy field, you would not need any API, just a series of "Change Data Values"-Greg
It might not necessarily be a blacklisting at company level, only at individual one.Or it might be because the first few email went through and after a few, the email system blackl...
Hi JD,That might be a little more surprising... In fact, you will not be able to add the second person to the same stream. It will raise an error:-Greg
Hi Jasmine,That could be the action of an anti spam system.Look at the activity log of that person, and look into the details of the bounced activity, and paste here a screen shot ...