Hi Duane,Since your LP's are hosted on the icihomes.com domain, the consequence is that if someone navigates on anoter of your domains and ends up on one of your LP, you will see n...
Yes, this is it.Any change made in SFDC after the sync will show up in Marketo. This is the first time I hear of a case where the change is made in the middle of the setup. I am af...
Hi Becky,Do not use transition rules, use smart campaigns.When having multiple triggers, it's always an OR between them. By design, 2 triggers cannot fire "together". The AND or OR...
Are you always hosting Marketo LP in the same domain as the one the trafic comes from ? Have you setup the multi-domain in Marketo ?I would not be surprised if part of your issues ...
Hi Shane,create the fields in Marketo to store the data, Make sure you have the email addresses in your spreadsheet, then import your Excel spreadheet in Marketo (in a static list,...
As Josh points out, I would check that the munchkin code is correctly rolled out.What is your web site URL ? some of your LP's ? Do you have multiple web domains?-Greg