When companies use salesforce account teams, it means that multiple persons can interact with a specific account, each of them with a different role.It would be nice if the Marketo...
Weirdly enough, we do not get a search box in the user list.With the user expiration features, as more and more companies will avoid deleting users, the list may and will become qu...
Something in the line of (Please be forgiving, I am not a developper 😞<head> <meta class="mktoBoolean" id="showelementclass" mktoName="Show Element" default="true" true_value="rem...
That would be really cool. Not that easy to administrate and design though , since all your partial pages will have to be created separately then assembled in a final page.Would it...
For large, distributed orgs, user management can become quite painful.It would be much more convenient if it were possible to delegate user management to local super-users. The glo...