Hi Becky,Remove the https:// from the trigger contraint.How is the SFDC_ID field that you are using in the filter supposed to be captured inserted in the database ? This filter doe...
Hi Andrew,Adding leads to Marketo then SFDC is the best way to go if your forms are simple web-to-lead and do not have too much business logic attached to them, indeed. The cookie/...
Hi Trevor,This is a recent version, that supports media queries, so Android version is not in question.That leaves you template or your email, lamenting the code itself.Are you usi...
Hi Becky,I am not sure of what you are trying to achieve. Please paste here a screen shot of your actual smart campaign and the actiity log of your test lead.-Greg
Hi Nikki,For both needs, You will need to use a custom form code, leveraging Marketo forms 2.0 API. Are you using an out-of-the-box wordpress module or are you embedding your forms...
Hi Andrew Fox,And based on some research and responses to my question it looks like data just needs to flow to Marketo first and trickle down into SalesForce.This is not a fatalit...
Hi Trevor,Your template might be the culprit here. No obvious way to fix that except fixing the template in the first place. Sorry for the bad news But another issue is that even t...
Hi Andrea,You are raising excellent points here. and I fully agree with you regarding the consequences of the new data retention policy.The big issue being that most of the custome...
Hi Justin,Better open a new thread than prolongating an old one. You will get more visibility and have a better chance that someone answers it.And in you case, you might want to co...