You cannot use a smart list as a selector for retrieving leads with the SOAP API. You can only use static lists.So you will have to create a List and 1 smart campaign to synchroniz...
After doing this, you may also have to edit your pasted HTML to include tocken such as {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} or {{system.unsubscribeLink}}, or even lead tokens if you want m...
Hi Amy,Nothing special to be done. Just run the following test to make sure that your munchkin code works correctly :Clean all cookies on you browser.Navigate to your web site, not...
Hi Mindy,Are your content in streams programs or simple emails?If they are programs, the Marketo will not sent the message if the lead is already a program member.The other issue m...
Being both a Marketo and a SFDC partner, this is an issue we often have to tackle.When we set up Marketo for customers in an SFDC context, in order to avoid the problem you are fac...
You can indeed add the same content to different streams and leads from various streams will all receive it.You also need to keep in mind that streams in a nurturing program are a ...
Always be careful when you hide some records to Marketo user. If these people who are in salesforce come to your web site and fill out a form, Marketo will create a lead in salesfo...