Hi Matt,AFAIK, this is still a work in progress with some test clients, and nothing close to a production grade feature. Jep's comment about it being experimental are still valid.-...
You cannot do it in the admin, that would change i for the whole instance.The best way is to do it at email template level or, better yet, to do it using snippets.-Greg
AFAIK, MSI is not intended to be rolled out in SFDC communities, only on SFDC standard page layouts for standard users. So I am not even sure it is supported. Have you contacted su...
Also, the “lead.captcha response" is a field that you need to add to your form and fill with the response. This is usually done through JS, as in Sanford's codepen example. The Cap...
Hi Christina,Sanford Whiteman created multiple elements and comments that provide the necessary elements. Read: https://codepen.io/figureone/pen/meybqN?editors=0110https://nation....