Hi AndrewIf the filter is about the form you expect the people to fill out and trigger the "fills out form" trigger, then that cannot work, because the "filled out form" filter req...
Hi Amanda,It is not that simple to get the sync times, as the information is not available in the UI, neither in through the API.You need first to ask support for sync logs that sh...
HI Nick,Are you using workspaces and partitions ? If a form is in a workspace A that accesses a partition A, and leads from a partition B, not accessible from workspace A, fill out...
Are you using workspaces and partitions ?If so, check you are not using a lead that is in a partition that cannot be accessed by the workspace in which the smart campaign is.-Greg
Fully agreed on that. There are 2 things that really matter with regards to Marketing measurement:First touch measurement, a.k.a acquisition measurement. Here, you try to understan...
Hi Pia,They can, but they do not always are. Who can really say that the attendee to a product webinar would never have come to your web site and download a white paper before the ...
Hi Tammy,in addition to the reply you copied above, I would add that yes, you can, and probably should, add these fields in SFDC, but you need to make sure they cannot be updated b...
Hi Tammy,Better open a new thread than reopening an old one Marketo is better system of record than SFDC, because it does a better job in loging the source of the consent. Fills-ou...