Hi JD,It means that there is a Velocity Scrip token in the program (either defined at program level or inherited from a folder) that raises that error when it runs.-Greg
Hi Dan,Truly, the docs says exactly as you say.Nevertheless, I have been able to send the SC as part of the EP cast without the "member of EP" filter. I ran the test, as I said, an...
Hi Dan,You made me doubt, so I ran a test and I have been able to send the email without the "member of engagement program" filter. In fact, I have able to use any valid batch sma...
Hi Courtney,I gather that you are writing about the case when you have multiple, different acquisition programs for leads in a same import list ?A workaround is to set them just af...
H Justin,Dan has a point, it might be impossible to leave the smart campaign with no filter at all. In this case, you may want to use an "is anonymous = false" filter (which is the...
Hi Justin,1/ You should move this question to the "product and support" section. it's a miracle I saw it, as it is in the "Community Feedback & Help". May be Scott K. Wilder may h...