Hi again Matt,at the moment, the image is already in a seperate module. In other term, the only thing the modiule with ID section2 contains is the image. If you remove the module, ...
You have a sync filter set up on your Marketo-SFDC connector.And this specific record used to be flag for sync, but the flag has been deactivated.Read these: "Sync with Marketo" my...
That's a good question because there is no way to accurately separate an operational email from a marketing one in filters and triggers. Vote In the meantime, you will have to use...
It will be difficult because variables cannot be made dynamic.See and You will have to use a workaround, such as adding an image element elswhere in your template, make it dynami...
HI Grace,You will have to modify the standard embedded code to make it generate a click on form success. This will require some JS. You will have to mix the forms API with the web ...
Hello again Hilary,Campaign membership does a better job, IMHO, than activity history to track what campaigns someone has beed invited to, whether they have responded and when.Emai...
Hi Hilary,No, if you delete it from the activity history, it will not come back.BTW, using this feature (posting emails to the activity history, and other activity types as well) s...
HI Robb,Adding in an onSuccess handler with a location tag results in a double-jump: first to the LP specified in the form and then to the LP specified in the onSuccess handler.You...