Hi Trevor,Your template might be the culprit here. No obvious way to fix that except fixing the template in the first place. Sorry for the bad news But another issue is that even t...
Hi Andrea,You are raising excellent points here. and I fully agree with you regarding the consequences of the new data retention policy.The big issue being that most of the custome...
Hi Justin,Better open a new thread than prolongating an old one. You will get more visibility and have a better chance that someone answers it.And in you case, you might want to co...
Hi Georgina,When using checkboxes in the form, you have to define the displayed value and the stored value. A few points here:Your field type is integer. Meaning you can only store...
Hi Shirleen,Obviously, there is problem wit the ID. What value did you put into the zoomWebinarId token? If your webinar active in Zoom so that it can take registrations?Hard to he...
Hi Shirleen,I would be a very bad design of you had to create a new webhook for each webinar The doc says the webhook call is supposed to be:https://www.zoom.us/v1/webinar/register...
Hi Shirleen,Better open a new thread than reopen old, already answered ones. You will get faster and more numerous answers.Open a new thread, and we will answer.Greg
As if it was only able to manage 6 digits and round the rest.I observe exactly the same thing on my sandbox, rounded at the 6th digit:on entry:in the log:after refreshing the lead ...