After the list is uploaded to a static list - Currently it shows only the status and time. It would be very helpful if it can also display the person count. As shown in the picture...
Hi Sanford,You are right. But I was testing if it can accommodate special characters.I applied the CSS code you provided by setting the default value to empty. Here is the screen g...
That's Great!!! It is working. Thank you!!Also I would like to change Link text from "Not you?" to "Vous n’êtes pas?"Could you please provide the code.
Hi Sanford,Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it. I'm unable to still fix this. I'm not a tech guy could you please provide the exact code to be used.RegardsPradeep
Can anyone help me with Custom HTML form code to accommodate french characters.I'm trying to change default text Download to Télécharger in form button. But Marketo is not supporti...