Was considering creating a SF custom object with the related Accounts (formula fields to Account ID for all key targeting variables) and then mapping that to Marketo. Any thoughts?
Thanks Sanford!
I've tried removing just the OnSuccess statement and so far - no dice. My attempt at removal:
We have a new LP template and cannot determine why the page is not going to the destination defined in the form upon submission.
Does anyone have any idea?
Here's the test page htt...
We are getting the same error every day or two.No direction from Marketo Support and SF admins are at a loss. Seems like a common issue among customers. Has anyone actually found a...
Are these intentional duplicate leads? Bob submits Lead A then Mike later comes back and submits Lead A again, it creates a duplicate of Lead A? It seems like maybe the language ab...
I think what you may be looking for is to write activities table out to an independent table.You can do it in Marketo using score fields for each item you want to track, but you wi...
Yes. Run a lead performance report grouped by email address - filter to leads sent the emails you want to report on. Use a smart list custom column for each email open.... You will...
1. Do you have the unsubscribe landing page and/or your email footer configured to show the email address they are unsubscribing? {{lead.email... ;} You could even give them an alt...
Marketo form submissions write onto the leads activities table. You can then set up a triggered campaign based off the form fill. Are you synced to Salesforce? If you are, we often...
I change to a unsubscribed stream - which my stream names are my program status names and SF campaign member status names. Then i create a completed task that identifies which emai...