Try We are on SJ07 so that's what I put in the YOURPOD section of that URL. Support gave me this URL a few months ago as...
The OID parameter is part of their tag BUT the value needs to be generated by your system. You can use the lead ID but you need to find a way to pass it back into the OID parameter...
I've seen that a delay can happen if you have a lot of salesforce records on a specific object (lead, contact, account, etc) that changed since the last sync. You can check how man...
Did they send you an integration guide? We received a unique one from them and it greatly helped our setup. It talks through the required fields and expected integration steps for ...
We had this same issue and I never got it work using the exact token structure you provided. Our solution was to create a SFDC Formula text field on the lead ("https://yourinstance...
I did find a workaround that is working for us for now, but we can't do fulfillment in the program itself because of it. We are manually grabbing the cf_synd_id that is passed thro...
Hey Matthew, yes, the trigger and filter are nested under the referral program as local assets. Marketo support helped me test and it wouldn't work for them either.
I heard back from support and these "People" changes were rolled out to our instance when we renewed and we will see People in our instance moving forward. They indicated that if y...