Thanks a lot Josh, I never saw anywhere that programs are excluded from RCE automatically based on the channel type alone. As I mentioned the program does have period cost and anal...
Thanks Sanford, you are of course right, it's not the Munchkin that reads the cookie, too much time spent in Marketo today and yes, the combination of Munchkin and Forms bring the ...
I've got a request from some higher-ups to send them a weekly report on how many people fill out one operational form I have; this form is purely operational and is a local asset i...
Hi GrantI did something similar recently, so I'll add my 5 cents:- Munchkin does not write data like utm parameters into somebody's cookies; however, Marketo Forms can pick up utm ...
Hi Stephen,never experienced anything like that with whitepapers, the only thing I can think of is that we did have a problem with some of the videos hosted on non-Chinese platform...
Hi NationI remember it used to be possible to share a segmentation across multiple workspaces, but don't seem to find a way to do so anymore.I searched community and in several thr...
Hi Stephenwe've been using full Marketo functionality (forms, lp's etc) in China for over 5 years now and never had any issues with the firewall. As long as you are not publishing ...
I'm also not exactly clear on those different choicesWe always use URL parameter to grab utm values, and it works just fine. How would the proces of capturing utms work diferently ...
Hi Devin,yes, you could achive the same for all of the emails- create a smart list for each activity you want to see data on in the Lead Database, e.g. 1. Opened email = any, 2. Cl...