I had a similar problem with our MSI being flooded with no longer relevant emails. Unfortunately you cannot mass unpublish them (or I wasn't able to find a way to do it at least); ...
Thank you Dan and Josh!I implemented a system of product codes in our instance, similar to what Josh suggested. And actually was able to do some great things with it like automatin...
I have a very simple engagement program, there are about 1000 leads in it and just one stream for now, I set the first cast to go out this past Monday and run each Monday from now ...
Hi Neil,if you need a list of all campaigns you have and a number of leads in them, go to Marketing activities and create a "Leads by Campaign" report as a local asset, in the repo...
A quick update on that - programs with operational channel can be added to RCE, you need to add a period cost (can be 0) and on the setup tab change analytic behavior to "Inclusive...
We have exactly the same issue in our instance, same also happens in the tasks text. I usually just type everything in, Marketo deletes all the spaces while I type, then i go back ...