I have hacked some code that you have posted in a different discussion but it is returning the default value rather than the value that matches the CourseCode on the Lead. Am I on ...
This sounds interesting. How is this done?What is a Velocity token?Is there a separate Velocity token for each product?Can this information be imported or does it have to keyed in ...
I have exactly the same requirement. I would really like to know how other people personalize their emails with Product information when they have hundreds of products.
Thanks Sanford, I suspected as much. We have a middleware solution we use to sync data with our CRM which I will use to do this task. I will add changed records to static list and ...
I am sure this question has been asked before but I can't find a definitive answer. I have created custom objects which store deatils about our courses eg url links, general overvi...
This is pretty frustrating since I can see this information in Marketo but cannot use it. It means we have to update Webinar details in multiple places and you cannot simply clone ...