Hi guys, I set up interesting moments for leads who visit key web pages and the interesting moments are being logged correctly on the MSI section of my test lead so I can confirm t...
Hey Christine, I had a similar question the other day. Here's the thread. You can subscribe to a lead's interesting moments from the lead feed OR you can go to the lead's MSI secti...
Hey all, I know you can subscribe to a lead's interesting moments using the subscribe link on the lead feed. How do you subscribe to a lead who is NOT on the lead feed? Is there a ...
Hi Community, this was solved last week. Here is the official response from one of the Marketo engineers who assisted on our support rep:The updates that some customers saw were du...
Hey Anthony, yes and you were correct that it was a bug associated with their Q1 Minor release. A shame that we didn't have access to those release notes!
Hi Nichole Cunningham, I'm researching email validation tools for our forms and have the same questions as you did. What are your thoughts on BriteVerify so far?Thanks!Liliana
Hey Anthony Pica, our support rep will escalate our ticket and reference your ticket as well. He looked yours over and said we're having the same issue so he will ask tier 2 to inv...
Thanks Anthony Pica. I have a case open too and I'll share whatever helpful info they respond with. We were negatively impacted as well because we also have trigger-based email cam...