Currently we test emails two ways:
~ We test emails prior to any list upload
~ We have email validation upon form submit
What I'd actually like to do is implement email validation prior to form submit i.e. it is verified real-time as they are filling out the form. I'd like for it to prompt them to enter a correct email address if it is invalid etc.
Who are you using for this? How have you found the quality to be? Pros/Cons?
We currently use StrikeIron (owned by Informatica) for email validation upon form submit. We use BriteVerify to validate our lists prior to upload (user interface is easier and results are similar)
I believe this is the part where I unapologetically am a fangirl and endorse BriteVerify (if you're curious, here's a live example site.) Alternately, if you're looking for something a little more basic or are on a budget, I've successfully deployed mailcheck with Marketo forms to reduce invalid email capture due to user error.
Hi Courtney,
a pity they apparently do not offer a real (API based) Marketo integration...
It's true that you need to do the custom API scripting to make it work with Forms 2.0 in particular (and it's obnoxious) but maybe if enough people nudge them (hint, hint, Marketo Nation!) they'd make the integration a little easier.
Hey Courtney, just wondering how difficult/complicated was it to get Briteverify working with Marketo forms? Was wanting to test them out - how has their product been?
Paul, while BriteVerify is cool, you won't get the drag-and-drop Marketo integration of Etumos Verify anywhere else. That's 'cuz I contributed the EV client code, and I know quite a bit about Marketo Forms 2.0.
Hi Courtney,
I'm a fan of BriteVerify too and our web guy is currently playing around with their lines of code for verification. Do you use them too? The reporting looks quite robust and it'd be quite nice to track our form abandonment rate etc.
I'm curious of the pros & cons you've found with using them? If the email address is invalid or if they can't confirm it, are users still allowed to submit a form?
Hi Nichole Cunningham, I'm researching email validation tools for our forms and have the same questions as you did. What are your thoughts on BriteVerify so far?
BriteVerify didn't work with forms 2.0. It still allowed the form to be submitted and BriteVerify mentioned it was a bug in their code. I have an entire email chain that my web guy could forward you or that I can send you. In summary, it didn't do what we wanted. Our current process is validation prior to list upload using BriteVerify and validation upon form submit. Not ideal, but we see our deliverability in the low-mid-90s+ now and it used to be in the 80s and high 70s for some regions. Just implementing the above has really helped with delivery.
I have an entire email chain that my web guy could forward you or that I can send you.
Love to see how they explained that. (OK, not really!)