Hi community, is anyone else experiencing issues with their email programs pulling in incorrect assets?? Here's what I have set up:Email Program: 2016-12-13-Email-AAsset: Email AEm...
Hey Valerie Armstrong, did you figure out a fix for this? Would love to hear about your experiences. We are looking for a solution as well, but I'm not sure where to start.Thanks,...
Hi Michelle Chopin, have you found a reliable way to exclude specific URLs from counting as a visits web page activity? I'm looking for a solution as well. I want to exclude unsub...
Hey Sanford Whiteman, I'm interested in hearing more about GTM disadvantages. We don't use Marketo LPs at all, only wordpress and GTM, but we are considering hardcoding the munchk...
Hi guys, I set up interesting moments for leads who visit key web pages and the interesting moments are being logged correctly on the MSI section of my test lead so I can confirm t...
Hey Christine, I had a similar question the other day. Here's the thread. You can subscribe to a lead's interesting moments from the lead feed OR you can go to the lead's MSI secti...
Hey all, I know you can subscribe to a lead's interesting moments using the subscribe link on the lead feed. How do you subscribe to a lead who is NOT on the lead feed? Is there a ...