If you mean keep changing providers or multiple senders, then yes it can have an impact.If starting to use a new provider, your IP needs to be warmed up over a period of time to no...
The tag values need to be set so they appear as a defined pick list.Your best option is to make that required field (currently not required as default) in SFDC campaign object.
Marketo is set up to accept duplicate records from your CRM. Must make sure no reps can create new records without some process in place first to reduce potential dupes.As Adam and...
To remind ourselfs, do you have a screenshot?New Name is for Programs. i.e. they were acquired by that program (net new)Unique Lead is when you want to run a report on only unique ...
Marketo will try to resend emails when soft bounce until they get any invalid information.Best to create a support ticket to see if you have an error on your instance.
depending on your URL, you can develop smart campaigns with filters to listen to visits to landing page X and add them to a Marketo program for campaign credit (only if the visitor...
My experence to your question was for another instance but around not having to recreate every campaign again.We needed another instance of Marketo for one of our business units. W...