Hi John,Two things:Make sure you check your Schedule tab and that your Qualification rules are setup to only qualify once every 365 days, that is likely why people went through two...
Naa, from your other response it sounds like you just hadn't turned on the program as a whole. Keeping the first cast date in the past doesn't make a difference
Ha, exactly what I just thought of too. I've absolutely forgotten to activatecontent in the stream before which is also why I started there, haha! Glad it was an easy one
How long has your smart campaign to add people/update their cadence been running? If the first castis set to 7/25 (yesterday, a Thursday), maybe depending on how "Recipient Time Zo...
We write email engagements (clicks or web page views via an email click) as an activity to SFDC. We do not get send/delivered data in an aggregate view, but touches and engagements...
Can you send a screenshot of the Streams view? Curious if maybe the assets are in the stream but not activated? Or the cadence isn't defined? Just some initial thoughts.
Hi John,Sounds good. There's a lot to unpack. The biggest concern I had which is why I went with this design is -- There's not a good way in Marketo to say a date field isbetween a...
Hey John,Yea, you definitely don't want wait steps as long as that just as a best practice. To get a little deep and technical for a second, wait steps get tricky because the way M...
Adding to Sanford's response -- Marketo has a total velocity script size limit of 100,000 bytes in any single email asset, but from your description I don't think you'd hit that un...