In Salesforce I have a lookup from Account to User representing the service lead for an Account. I want to sync the User object through that lookup relationship into Marketo. I hav...
Grégoire Michel Thanks for the reply. I was able to resolve this by adding a custom foreign key in Salesforce on Contact and using that field as the link field for custom object.T...
I should have stated that the source of the custom objects is Salesforce. The native Salesforce-Marketo custom object sync doesn't support what I need so I'll building a custom int...
I'm creating a Custom Object in Marketo and want the custom objects to be associated to the Marketo Person/Lead. I would like to link this custom object to the Person/Lead using th...
Hi Veronica Holmes. I was able to get 2nd level custom objects synced. It was a field level permission issue that was not allowing the 2nd level object to be synced. Thanks for th...
Thanks Grégoire Michel. Looking around it seems that a 2nd level object isn't recommended due to Velocity Script integration issues, but is otherwise supported. If my goal is to s...
I'm trying to sync a custom object in Salesforce to Marketo that has a custom junction/MtM object in between it and the Contact but the object isn't available in the list of object...
I'm building a custom integration from Marketo to Salesforce using WebHooks and I'd like to populate a Salesforce field with the date or datetime that the WebHook is executed. I se...
I'm building out a custom integration passing data from Marketo to a Salesforce custom object using Marketo WebHooks and Salesforce's REST API. I've successfully built the integrat...