So smart lists are locked in when the campaign first runs.If we call another campaign from that campaign, will the smart list recalculate at that time?
Has anyone come up with a solution to maintaining original UTM parameters so they are not lost if someone clicks through your site? I was thinking of trying my hand at using javasc...
If anyone is curious, I was able to solve this by capturing the Google cookie, _utmz, in a hidden field and then parsing it in Salesforce. It is also possible to capture and parse ...
Any update on this? The annoying this is that the fields support line breaks, if you edit a lead record you can add them to your hearts content but there doesn't seem like there is...
The developer page doesn't really talk about how to do custom cookies and track additional info about leads. Do you know of any examples that have done this?I have no problem writi...
We would like to be able to track the refferal source of the first visit someone comes to our site, even if they don't fill out a form.I know that Marketo currently tracks "Origina...
This would be a great feature to have. It seems like that data must live somewhere, but I haven't seen any evidence that it is part of a public API.It could be setup to fit into th...