Wanted to set up a quick rep alert that triggers if a form completer hasn't been contacted in 48 hours. Generally speaking, our mandate is to call within an hour.Seems fairly strai...
Trevor, seems like it's pointing to a Facebook permissions issue -- speculation that there has been some kind of API endpoint deprecation by FB. I'm trying the FB dev support route...
FB just told our media buyer that they're experiencing widespread issues the lead ads. Fb support, for its part, directed me to the developer group. There wasn't any dev to being w...
Support response below. I'm not sure how to change permissions -- which perhaps auto-changed on FB's end since we didn't update anything -- but trying to figure it out."When our ba...
Thanks, Josh. Suddenly, our FB connector stopped syncing on around 12/18. Marketo says it was a Facebook update that was rectified, but still no dice apart from a very brief fix on...
Anyone make any progress? I'm still awaiting a response, but I just pinged support again since I'm manually grabbing leads from FB, sorting and distributing a few times a day.
Same issue here. Have submitted a ticket. Our reps aim to reach out within an hour of getting a new lead alert, so not ideal having to download the updated CSVs all day. Fortunatel...
Thanks, Balkar. The 'fills out form - new' campaign has a smart list whereby lead is created via the form in question. Easy. For the 'fill out form - resub', has fills out form + (...
There a best practice to create a report that will show the # of resubscribes -- ie non emailable in the DB who become mailable?Not quite clear about the logic of some of the attri...