Looks good from my perspective. Typically when you use the "querystring" constraint, you need to include the entire string, e.g., "city=seattle". But since you're using the "contai...
Nick - has the web page/link to the PDF been recently deployed? If so, you need to have at least one activity in Marketo so that it can report on it. Did you make some test clicks ...
Hi Macarena - this is something we're investigating as we speak. Specifically, identifying what we can/cannot do after May 25 with regards to our third-party agencies and channels ...
Hi Shane - as far as I know, Marketo will still send the operational email even though the "smart list status" on the "schedule" tab of the smart campaign may say otherwise. I don'...
Every now and then, Support posts an important announcement in the Support section of the community - that may go unnoticed by many members. This is one of them as it could affect ...
Craig - I believe you're limited to only two emails when testing "whole emails". Unlike other tests - like "subject line" testing - there's not "+" icon to add more test variants.
Do you have an extremely large sample size? I only ask because it may be difficult to evaluate the most successful email with such a large number of test variants. Even with a larg...