These issues that Jeff has outlinedare exponentially painful when you have 23 workspaces in your Marketoinstance (organized by country) and those templates (emails and landing page...
Don - this is wonderful news (and yes, it does work as intended now). In fact, I felt the need to start a new community discussion so that it gets the visibility that it deserves. ...
I would just like to express my sincere appreciation for the Marketo engineers for identifying a solution to the issue those of us have been experiencing when using Forms 2.0 withi...
When adding a program to a stream in an engagement program, you need to specify the smart campaign to use:Once we define the smart campaign, how do we go back an modify this progra...
Thanks for this, Justin. It's always valuable to see how others have their instances and campaign flows setup in Marketo. I'll have to further digest all of this and see how we can...
Justin, I brought this behavior issue to Cheryl's attention back in January. According to her latest response, this should be fixed this month:
I'm setting up a quick test now. But I'm unsure where to place the the smart campaigns for each channel. Do you place everything within the master program, or does each channel pro...
Perfect - thanks for clarifying Justin! From a program organization/structure perspective, how do you organize all of the additional channel programs? Do you keep everything within...