I just realized my custom views that I've configured when viewing leads in the Members tab of our programs, are not made available to other views - for example, when viewing leads ...
For the past couple of weeks now, we've been seeing this a lot. Happens several times each day. When configuring a smart campaign and moving between the smart list, flow, and sched...
I understand that Marketo marks all new leads who receive FtaF emails as unsubscribed. But what if those recipients are already leads in our DB and have already opted-in - is Marke...
I just got clarification on this from Marketo: You can just type in a new value in the 'Type' dropdown and it works just fine. You just can’t add something to the dropdown list per...
We use "EVENT" interesting moments:But when adding new interesting moments, "Event" isn't even listed anymore. Has that been replaced with "Milestone"?
I'm interested to know if this issue is happening to any of you. This issue has been happening to members of my team every now and then. And it just happened to me just now. After ...
You might also want to edit the email so that you have more room for flexibility in the layout. Not sure how your template is structured, but by the looks of it, the main content/s...
By chance, do you have Windows scaling (defined in display settings - if using Windows) set to anything above 100%? We've had these same issues for users who have adjusted their Wi...
RCE is your best bet whenever you need to analyze activity across workspaces - since RCE doesn't see workspaces/partitions and is just one big data warehouse. It's also helpful if ...
Tokens that are only for that specific event would be setup at the program level. Any common tokens that are the same across all programs (or even most programs) can be setup at th...