Hi Courtney - yeah, that's what our security team mentioned as well. For example, if we have a campaign where we want to include a "first.last@marketing.avanade.com", the Exchange ...
The other scenario that will be prohibited is to dynamically pull in the Sales/Account Exec's email address from CRM (via tokens in the FROM/REPLY-TO fields). Would velocity script...
Hi Sanford Whiteman - circling back on this, would this be complex to create/configure on our end? If you can detail out the requirements, that would be great.
Robb, are you referring to tokens at the EP level or nested program level (or both)? We have an EP template that we use when a new EP is needed in a workspace. In this example ther...
Setting up branded sender is another enhancement we're making as well (Marketo gave this to us as part of our renewal). So if i'm understanding you properly, we should standardize ...
Thanks Olivia. Unless this functionality has changed recently, our tests have shown that the lead receives nothing if they don't qualify for a smart campaign (when there's addition...
This is helpful, Sandy - thanks. Regarding the second point (on new aliases when we send on behalf of a user vs. a generic emailbox) - today, we do this using tokens on the lead re...
We too see inconsistency here. In some instances, this could be a result of the user right-clicking the link and saving/downloading the file to their computer (I personally do this...
Hi Frank Passantino - it's not whether or not someone has received the content already (aka, member of a program when using nest programs in a smart campaign), but rather if they d...