They did announce this at Summit back in 2017. Their intention all along was to include this in Marketo Sky - the nextgen UI/UX. But as you probably already know, this too has been...
You don't need CRM for this. Have a look at this thread (which also includes a link to the presentation I gave on this at this past year's Summit): Re: Custom Report - All Interest...
Select your Dynamics Entities you want to sync here:Then select the fields you want to sync:These will then appear in the "MS Custom Fields" tab. Although just be aware that Market...
Still too buggy to use in a production environment. We're noticing several of our existing programs missing constraints, values, tokens, etc. For example, here's a subset of flow s...
Sorry, still not following. When someone in our environment - say in the UK partition (I suppose you can say UK workspace as well since only the UK and global/default workspaces ha...
Like Floyd, i'm a bit unclear as to what your concern/question is. We have 23 country workspaces (and lead partitions) - and our master Lead Lifecycle program in our default/global...
I would be very careful if you plan on using this extensively as it could really skew your reporting and throw a bunch of false positives. According to the docs:If a CC recipient c...
We've recently come across this issue on the MS Dynamics side (especially after upgrading to v9). Although, in our case, the dupes remain and require manual intervention to dedupe....