Thanks for passing those along, Emily! The first is more applicable, but the second makes sense. I'm actually kind of surprised the first thread didn't come up when I searched for ...
When you 'Send [a] Sample' from Marketing Activities or Design Studio, a list pops up of any previous entries I've used under 'Send to:'. Is there any way to clear out this list? I...
Marketo Resource: Email Scripting » Marketo Developers Velocity Resource: VelocityTools - Summary The trick in your question is knowing that number.curency() returns a pre-determin...
Perfect! That got me exactly what I needed (although I had to figure out which library to use, $number.currency() is easy enough!). For anyone else who's wondering, you just create...
So, I've setup our currency format as $10,000.00 (Admin > Location Settings) and I have a variable/token that is a currency. But when I use that currency, it's always formatted as ...