Unfortunately, this has always been a problem with Marketo. The only thing you can really do to help this is to order your smart lists and use as little criteria as possible, or in...
I've had this happen before. At one point, I couldn't see HTML through the WYSIWYG pane unless I was in Chrome. A different browser may be the solution here.
Ah ok. That's what I thought was happening, but then I saw a comment that made me think the term "unique" was being used a bit differently here. Thanks for the clarification.
Why does support need to help with this? Is this not something we can manage ourselves (between the Marketo and SFDC admin), or is there something I am overlooking that requires Ma...
How are you working with the anti-spam laws in China? It seems every lead would need to have opted-in and you would need to put [AD] in the subject line. And this all assumes it do...